Sunday, December 23, 2012

Whole Wheat Bread for dummies

The Whole Wheat Flour I choose for this bread.

....or really smart people that want to make an easy, healthy bread!

Mix with a fork:
2 cups Whole Wheat flour
2 cups All.Purpose flour
1½ oz dry yeast

Melt 4 oz butter, add 2 cups of milk and 2 eggs. Heat (until about 110 degreese Fahrenheit.)

Pour the liquid over the dry ingredients + add ½ cup All Purpose flour.

Knead 3mins by hand or 2mins in a bread machine.

It´s suppossed to be sticky.

Cover and let rest for 30 min.

Pour into a rectangular baking pan that you prepared with no-stick spray

Cover and let rest another 30 min.

Bake in 350 degreese Fahrenheit 25-30 min.



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